Dreaming Awareness

We are composed of four levels of consciousness–spiritual, physical, energy and mind. These four levels correlate to the four layers of our brain. Each of these aspects within us participate in communicating the energy messages of our dreams. Below is a brief description of how these levels operate in our dream time.

Spiritual Mind — This is the oldest and deepest aspect of our consciousness. It receives light from the spirit–unlimited consciousness. During the night it transmits direct knowledge into our dream-time for our awareness. Our spiritual natural is connected to the natural rhythms of life.

Our spiritual mind shows up in our dreams through the symbols of nature–mountains, trees, snow, volcanoes, ocean, plants, earth, fire, water and wind. Spiritual teachers will show up as our spiritual consciousness. The color of this aspect of us shows up as the color blue.

Authoritarian Mind — This aspect of our consciousness is connected to our reptilian brain. It is connected to our conditioning which includes beliefs, patterns and addictions. It operates out of fight or flight and it is the source of black and white thinking. The reptilian brain is cold-blooded and unemotional. Connected to the body, it holds our psychic safety zone and our instinctual awareness.

Our authoritarian mind shows up in our dreams as symbols of authority–people who we see as authority, parents, people older than us. All man-made objects such as houses, airplanes, clothes and furniture represent our conditioning. The color of this aspect of us shows up as the color black.

Emotional Mind — This aspect of our consciousness is connected to our mammalian brain. It stores our memories and is connected to our hormonal system. It shows us what is going on emotionally within us. It also gives us a reference for our life experiences based on the imprints we have stored from memories.

Our emotional mind shows up in our dreams as women our age or younger, to include girl children. The color of this aspect of us shows up as white–our own emotional body, or yellow–the part of us that takes care of others emotionally.

Intellectual Mind — This aspect of our consciousness is connected to our brains cerebral cortex. This is the youngest and most contracted form of our consciousness. It takes action, expresses and decisions. It is the voice chattering in our head demanding to be heard.

Our intellectual mind shows up in our dreams as men our age or younger, to include boy children.The color of this aspect of us shows up as red.